Quantum Computing
- Paul Parazzoli (IBM)
Abstract: With the significantly increased penetration of grid dynamics and variability of renewable power generation, power systems have been evolving in a fast pace that we have never seen in the history of electrification. Power system engineers are facing a fundamental challenge of handling such dynamic and multi-scale system behaviors. Quantum computing (QC) as an emerging technology...
Abstract: Quantum computers might eventually be used to simulate quantum systems more accurately than classical computers. But it isn't yet clear how large or reliable such a machine would need to be to be scientifically useful for many applications in plasma physics, like inertial confinement fusion. We begin to address these questions for calculations of transport properties like...
Abstract: The question of how quantum computing will impact and integrate with HPC over the next decade has become increasingly important as quantum hardware matures. In this talk I will discuss the steps NERSC, the primary scientific computing facility for the Office of Science in the U.S. Department of Energy, is taking to address this question. In particular, I will describe our joint...