High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[NT/RBRC seminar] Quantum anomalous energy and proton mass decomposition

by Dr Yizhuang Liu (Regensburg)




I will discuss issues related to the proton mass decomposition and in particular, the role played by the anomalous term. 

 I will first show that the form of the mass decomposition crucially depends on the regularization scheme, or more precisely , depends on whether there is a cutoff in temporal direction. 

 I will show that in symmetric cutoff theory,  the existence of an anomalous term is manifest and can be traced back to the construction of isotropic cutoff theory. 

Then I will use 1+1 non-linear sigma model in large N limit as an example to demonstrate the above points by studying the mass structure in various cutoff schemes. 

I will argue that the mass generation through trace anomaly can be viewed as dynamical higgs effect. 

Finally, I  will comment on the possibility of probing the gluon content of nucleon through photo production of Ji/Psi.