We introduce our long-term plans of using quantum computers to perform real-time evolution in lattice gauge theory. The first step of the "Kogut Ladder" (leading ultimately to jet physics in QCD!) is the quantum Ising model. We introduce a metric to quantify the closeness to exact Trotter results that can be obtained for this model at small volumes. It shows significant progress between 2019 and 2020 for IBMQ machines. We propose a new method to extract phase shifts from real-time evolution during the early stage of a collision which is suitable for NISQ machines. We apply this method to the scattering out of a step function potential using IBMQ and trapped ions facilities of Norbert Linke at U. Maryland. We discuss the various sources of errors in phase shift estimates and plans to achieve quantum supremacy in the following years.
This work was done in collaboration with Erik Gustafson, Patrick Dreher, Yingyue Zhu and Norbert Linke.