Particle Physics Seminars at BNL

Development of LArTPC Technology for Neutrino Oscillation Measurements

by Aleena Rafique (Argonne)


In this presentation, I will first describe a measurement of a large set of observables in inclusive charged current muon neutrino scattering on argon with the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber operating at Fermilab. I evaluate three neutrino interaction models based on the widely used GENIE event generator using these observables. I find that GENIE models consistently describe the shapes of a large number of kinematic distributions for fixed observed multiplicity, but I show an indication that the observed multiplicity fractions deviate from GENIE expectations.

Then I will present a measurement where I reconstruct Michel electrons from the decays of cosmic-ray muons in the ProtoDUNE detector situated at CERN, Switzerland. These Michel electrons are distributed uniformly inside the detector and serve as a natural and powerful sample to study the detector’s response for low-energy (tens of MeV) interactions as a function of position. I have developed selection tools to identify and reconstruct such Michel electrons which could benefit any LArTPC experiment generically.

Lastly, I will describe my interests and future plans for continuing my involvement in SBN (short-baseline) and DUNE (long-baseline) neutrino experiments.

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Elizabeth Brost