High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

Inclusive processes from lattice QCD

by Prof. Peter Boyle (BNL), Shoji Hashimoto (KEK)




For inclusive processes of QCD, one naively expects that the quark-hadron duality is at work and the perturbative QCD and OPE can be used to compute the corresponding decay rate or cross sections.  But, is the remaining non-perturbative effect totally negligible?  How much error do we expect due to the duality violation?  Such questions are hard to answer without actual computation using lattice QCD. In this talk, I propose a method to compute the inclusive processes on the lattice. It is non-trivial because one has to include all possible (even unidentified) final states. We apply a technique to compute smeared spectral functions, with which one can bypass the problem of extracting individual final states.