NSLS-II and CFN Annual Users' Meeting Workshops
Monday, 17 May 2021 (08:00)
Thursday, 20 May 2021 (18:00)
Monday, 17 May 2021
WSMON1: 1 Facility User Educational Workshop
WSMON1: 1 Facility User Educational Workshop
10:00 - 16:00
Organizers: Lisa Miller, (NSLS-II/BNL); Aleida Perez, (OEP/BNL) [View Workshop Recording](https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/nksJnVKfXsNysbFxWVRztL2kWnT3Z4Lxf0BXjgwyMj1YN6zyArz-ce91vBQ3w1kJ.270P04oqdYwW-eSd ) - Password: i.@.ws?3 [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSMON1)
WSMON2: Correlating Structure and Properties in Additively Manufactured Metals through Multi-modal Characterization Approaches
WSMON2: Correlating Structure and Properties in Additively Manufactured Metals through Multi-modal Characterization Approaches
10:00 - 17:00
Organizers: Jason Trelewicz (Stony Brook University); David Sprouster (Stony Brook University); Alessandra Colli (Brookhaven National Laboratory); Eric Dooryhee (Brookhaven National Laboratory); Yong Chu (Brookhaven National Laboratory) [View Workshop Recording](https://vimeo.com/581361584/b4b0a6a039) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSMON2)
WSMON3: Cryo-EM at LBMS: Protein Structures, Protein-protein and Protein-cell Interactions
WSMON3: Cryo-EM at LBMS: Protein Structures, Protein-protein and Protein-cell Interactions
10:00 - 17:00
Organizers: Liguo Wang (LBMS/NSLS-II/BNL); Qun Liu (Biology/BNL); Guobin Hu (LBMS/NSLS-II/BNL); Dongyan Tan (NSLS-II/BNL); Saikat Chowdhury (NSLS-II/BNL); Yong Xiong (NSLS-II/BNL) [View Workshop Talks](https://brookhavenlab-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/lwang1_bnl_gov/Eufh5Lc5hQROvaOqVwMpHiwBwlhy2NbnKaHvdbiB14a2sA?e=HlhiUv ) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSMON3)
WSMON4: Ultrafast Pump Probe Optical Microscopy Techniques and their Applications in Nanoscience
WSMON4: Ultrafast Pump Probe Optical Microscopy Techniques and their Applications in Nanoscience
10:00 - 16:45
Organizers: Mircea Cotlet (CFN/BNL); Mingxing Li (CFN/BNL); Jurek Sadowski (CFN/BNL); Eduard Fron (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgum); Don DiMarzio (Northrop Grumman) [View Workshop Recording](https://vimeo.com/582490208/e15c632c08) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/event/11090/)
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
WSTUE1: Embracing Diversity in Science: a User Community Discussion
WSTUE1: Embracing Diversity in Science: a User Community Discussion
13:30 - 16:30
Organizers: Paul Northrup (Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University, Lead Scientist, Tender Energy Microspectroscopy Consortium); Judith Brown Clarke (Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Stony Brook University) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/event/11091/)
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
WSWED4: Towards the Next Generation of Photothermal and Near-Field Infrared Nanospectroscopy at the CFN and NSLS-II
WSWED4: Towards the Next Generation of Photothermal and Near-Field Infrared Nanospectroscopy at the CFN and NSLS-II
12:30 - 18:00
Organizers: Samuel A. Tenney (CFN/BNL): Larry Carr (NSLS-II/BNL); Mengkun Liu (NSLS-II/BNL); Dario J. Stacchiola (CFN/BNL); Ignace Jarrige (NSLS-II/BNL); Christopher Homes (CMPMS/BNL) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSWED4)
WSWED1: Characterization and Speciation of Marine Materials using Synchrotron Probes
WSWED1: Characterization and Speciation of Marine Materials using Synchrotron Probes
13:00 - 17:10
Organizers: Rose Jones (University of Minnesota); Sarah Nicholas (NSLS-II/BNL); Paul Northrup (Stony Brook University) [View Workshop Recording](https://vimeo.com/582985634/db8497a931) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSWED1)
WSWED2: Exploring Future Collaborations between NNSA and BNL/NSLS-II
WSWED2: Exploring Future Collaborations between NNSA and BNL/NSLS-II
13:00 - 18:00
Organizers: Jen Bohon (LANL), Don Brown (LANL), Jack Shlachter (BNL), Matt Whitaker (Stony Brook University) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSWED2)
WSWED3: Scientific Python for Data Analysis at NSLS-II
WSWED3: Scientific Python for Data Analysis at NSLS-II
13:00 - 16:30
Organizers: Dan Allan, with NSLS-II DAMA Group [View Tutorials Presented at Workshop](https://blueskyproject.io/tutorials ) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSWED3)
Thursday, 20 May 2021
WSTHU1: Structural Responses to Electronic Order in Quantum Materials from Total Scattering Approaches
WSTHU1: Structural Responses to Electronic Order in Quantum Materials from Total Scattering Approaches
08:00 - 13:00
Organizers: M. Abeykoon (NSLS-II, BNL); E. Bozin (CMPMS, BNL); T. Tyson (NJIT) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSTHU1)
WSTHU3: Liquid Surface Science
WSTHU3: Liquid Surface Science
08:30 - 16:00
Organizers: Ben Ocko (NSLS II/BNL); Masa Fukuto (NSLS II/BNL); Oleg Gang (CFN/BNL); Binhua Lin (U. Chicago) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSTHU3)
WSTHU4: Machine Learning Augmented X-Ray Scattering and Spectroscopies
WSTHU4: Machine Learning Augmented X-Ray Scattering and Spectroscopies
09:00 - 16:25
Organizers: Mingda Li (MIT); Deyu Lu (CFN/BNL); Eli Stavitski (NSLS-II/BNL); Xiaohui Qu (CFN/BNL) [View Workshop Recording](https://vimeo.com/583101166/801284c715) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSTHU4)
WSTHU2: Unraveling the Past – Paleoanthropology and X-ray Imaging
WSTHU2: Unraveling the Past – Paleoanthropology and X-ray Imaging
13:30 - 17:25
Organizers: Juergen Thieme (NSLS-II/BNL); Eric Dooryhee (NSLS-II/BNL); Lawrence Martin (Turkana-Basin-Institute, Stony Brook University); Isaiah Nengo (Turkana-Basin-Institute, Stony Brook University) [View Agenda](https://indico.bnl.gov/e/UM2021WSTHU2)