05:17:24 Ping Wong: I am confused by different repositories. Should I work on both fun4all_eicmacros and fun4all_macros? They are two independent repositories in GitHub, right? 05:23:54 Chris Pinkenburg: they are independent. The fun4all_macros repo is the sPHENIX macros repository (the eic organization did not like to have a repo called "macros", so it is fun4all_macros). The fun4all_eicmacros contains eic detectors (rudimentary jleic, the all silicon inside sphenix and the beast magnet, just the frame. Now that there is an ecce organization I would recommend to move what you need into an ecce_macro repo. The installation in the central area of commonly used subsystem macros (the macros/common subdir) is a superset of all macros - just make sure you do not have identical names - it is a blind rsync 05:24:46 Chris Pinkenburg: The eic would then run with a superset of sphenix, ecce and eic macros 05:41:19 Ping Wong: Is the EventEvaluator.cc/h available in both repositories? 05:45:59 Chris Pinkenburg: They have been copied already 05:46:20 Chris Pinkenburg: propagated, sorry 05:59:03 Florian Hauenstein: what about the Off-momentum detectors? 06:06:21 Tanja Horn: Some information about interplay of FF detectors: https://wiki.bnl.gov/eicug/index.php/Yellow_Report_Detector_Forward-IR. 06:22:18 Cameron Dean: https://chat.sdcc.bnl.gov/eic/channels/fun4all-ecce 06:22:36 Cameron Dean: That should be the link to one of the Mattermost channels 06:27:16 Friederike Bock: https://eic-detector.github.io/tutorials_landing_page.html 06:28:15 Ping Wong: great! 06:29:17 Dien Thi Nguyen: Thank you :) 06:56:33 Skipper: Thanks!