High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[RBRC seminar] EIC: Science, Status and Prospects

by Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University)



On January 9, 2020 DOE announced that The Electron Ion Collider (EIC) had attained a Critical Decision 0 (CD0) status: meaning "go ahead" based on its science need, and that it would be located at BNL but will be built by BNL and Jlab together, working as partners. The Science of EIC was in the EIC White Paper which was evaluated & supported by the 2018 National Academy's Consensus Report . The CD0 accelerated the process of EIC realization on many fronts including setting up of EIC project, refining the science and its measurements by getting a pre-conceptual detector design ready. The EIC users wrote the EIC Yellow Report in which they focussed on connecting the science of EIC with the detector design ideas including machine, interaction-region design details. The process of forming detector collaborations has started. In this talk, I will review the status and the prospect of the EIC and its science.

