Discussed the communication tools
- will use mailman for general announcements
- will use discourse for everything else (more elaborate communication)
- using Mattermost or chat, live discussions but encouraging Emails conversation (longer term retention) to go to discourse
- Q1: is there a need for a better integration of discourse and Mattermost or extensions for discourse?
A1: sure - proposed "Solved" extension and "Chat Integration" [post new topics created in the EIC-ECCE category to a specific ECCE Mattermost channel]
Action item: both extensions will be dealt with / deployed
- Q2: Any other communication tools?
A2: Raised access to Zoom accounts so people can be co-host. Ideally need to be limited (as licensed). Agreed to start with a small number of people (Cristiano, Joe, David an Cameron) and see if possible.
Action item: Jerome will follow this up with ITD, Joe agreed to serve as guinea pig (a process for approval is needed) - Jerome/Joe
- Other: no happy with Wiki group account
Action item: Will follow up and see if integrated login can be done
- Ask - where there revisions of he numbers? There were no discussions internally to redo the estimates
- Cameron noted that his first simulation sample did lead to 1 M events == 300 GB hence 100 M events <=> 30 TB (estimated 100 TB during the initial requirements). Though those were the simplest configuration (factor of x2 floating ; will be close to the initial estimate at the end)
- Graham reported JLab is looking at provisioning 1 PBytes storage - it would be central storage
- Jerome noted that from both labs, a better justification is needed. Jin Huang noted he would provide a text explaining the numbers by the end of the day with help from Camron
- We discussed in random order: 100 M too much if acceptance calculations so need to be clear of goals, is it triggered, what Physics, Q^2 phase space?, not eicSmear but Geant4, ...
- Action item 1: dire need for a justification (especially the storage) - Jin/Cameron
- Discussed resource monitoring - this is being discussed with Graham. Monitoring storage (recommendation) please use a specific path in S3 ; job wise, need a consistent approach
- Discussed the existence of a Computing WG - there should be one but no news. Highly recommend to not add more noise in the system (it will happen and should this week in one form or another). Critical of course to add / aggregate / Federate resources from other labs and monitor consistently across the fderation.
- Discussed S3 and "mc" in CVMFS
Action item: Jerome/Joe will work on this - can it be available by the EoW for an ECCE workshop?
- 100 TB needed for analysis
Action item: All need to be reminded of the space available - Jerome
- Small detail - Jerome has no access to the ECCE Computing (Joe will look into it)
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