00:44:31 Jeannet Vargas: yes! 01:02:01 Milind Diwan: Virtual means it lasts for a very short time. Because it lasts for a very short time (such as 10^-25 sec) energy can be created for that short period of time according to the rules of quantum mechanics. 01:03:41 Karan Kumar: Gluons are considered massless. How does that they gave mass to proton? 01:04:11 Milind Diwan: Karan has a good question. I will ask it. 01:40:18 Mary Bishai: We will have a lecture on topics in "Big data computing for nuclear and particle physics" on Aug 3rd. We also had a lecture on quantum computing in nuclear physics. https://indico.bnl.gov/event/11947/timetable/ 01:54:55 Mary Bishai: To iterate on Milind's definition of virtual - it is a consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle that governs the "existence" of virtual particles. For a very short amount of time, the local energy density of the vacuum is non-zero 01:56:12 Marc: Thanks Elke! Excellent Talk and Machine! :) 01:57:05 Jeannet Vargas: Really Interesting, Great presentation thank you! 02:00:26 Karan Kumar: Thank you for presentation!