01:17:14 Timothy Topolski: Thank you! 01:17:19 brynna Moran: Thank you! 01:19:19 prerana: Have you used any machine learning tools on detector data? 01:20:24 Eric H: i know STAR operators take "pedestal runs" do you know if this related the pedestal you are referring to? 01:20:38 Mary Bishai: Last lecture of the series is on machine learning. IMHO only use machine learning when you cant mathematically from first principals of physics predict and fit your data. 01:20:51 prerana: Thank you 01:21:50 prerana: I agree it was very informative 01:23:05 Eric H: fantastic! thank you 01:23:13 Mary Bishai: When you can describe the problem analytically you also understand the limitations of your mathematical model and can estimate the uncertainties from approximations. With ML you don't know the mathematical relations the black box has come up with and its hard to understand the limitations or uncertainties. 01:30:44 Milind Diwan: Vlodek, you are getting cut a bit 01:32:54 Andrea Houck: Thank you! 01:32:57 Mary Bishai: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Feeling_of_Power 01:33:28 Mary Bishai: Great Isaac Assimov short story about depending too much on computers to do all our calculations 01:35:06 Suchitha Channapatna: Thank you!