08:43:53 From Spencer Klein To Salvatore Fazio(privately) : How are you feeling? 08:44:40 From Salvatore Fazio To Spencer Klein(privately) : still good :) 08:44:47 From Salvatore Fazio To Spencer Klein(privately) : fingers crossed 09:11:41 From Elke Aschenauer : sorry will leave for the ATHENA PID meeting 09:12:23 From Daria Sokhan : Thanks for joining, Elke! 09:23:47 From Spencer Klein To Daria Sokhan(privately) : This seems like too many people for a round table. 09:24:55 From Garth Huber : It would be very helpful to have clear instructions on the format, crossing angle, etc of our input MC event samples. 09:29:14 From Sylvester Joosten : @Garth: HepMC3 output format is preferred, but the software group will roll out a converter that can take most formats of generators used for the YR. 09:31:24 From Yulia Furletova : ECCE is working on IP6 and IP8, CORE on IP8. 09:32:19 From Sylvester Joosten : Regarding crossing angle, we will probably have to use an “after burner” to boost the events, as most generators don’t support crossing angles (or beam divergence). This is under guidance from the EICUG SWG. 09:32:21 From Paul Newman : I think IP8 could have a larger crossing angle (35mrad?) … 09:32:56 From Yulia Furletova : yes, at the moment IP8 have 35 mrad crossing angle 09:41:07 From Yulia Furletova : but we need to think about CD2 ( and TDR)… we need tо start now! 09:41:43 From Alex Jentsch : (Major agreement with Julia) 09:47:27 From Alexandre Camsonne : Do you expect the full simulation is too big that we cannot run simulation locally ? 09:49:13 From Spencer Klein To Daria Sokhan(privately) : Daria: We should think about when to wrap this up. We should also discuss future meeting times. 09:50:43 From Daria Sokhan To Spencer Klein(privately) : Yes, god, just saw this chat. I think Doodle poll 09:53:28 From Spencer Klein To Daria Sokhan(privately) : A doodle poll would be good. 09:54:51 From Alex Jentsch : I need to takeoff - great discussion! Talk soon!