Luigi Del Debbio [ HET - Seminar ] "Euclidean Observables for Pdf determinations"


Julia Gehrlein, Luigi Del Debbio (University of Edinburgh), Peter Boyle (BNL), Sally Dawson (BNL)

Euclidean Observables for Pdf determinations

Following the seminal work by Ji on quasi-PDF, there has been a momentous activity in lattice QCD to extract parton distribution functions (PDFs) from Monte Carlo data. 

In this talk I will review the connection between observables that are computed in Euclidean space and the universal PDFs that are only defined in Minkovski space-time. The talk will focus on the case of a scalar field theory, where unnecessary technical complications can be avoided while the physical content can be highlighted. I will also discuss how to include lattice data in the global NNPDF fitting procedure and show some first results. If time permits I will comment more generally on a Bayesian approach to inverse problems. 

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