Jets/HF/EW/BSM WG Meeting


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    • 10:30 10:40
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Miguel Arratia (University of California, Riverside), Stephen Sekula (SMU)
    • 10:40 11:00
      Discussion - "Zeroth Order Placeholder Figures" for the DOE Proposal 20m

      We've been asked to provide some "zeroth order" placeholder figures from this WG for the DOE proposal draft, with a deadline for these placeholders of Friday, Sep. 24. We should have a small discussion of this today.

      Discussion Notes:

      • Brian: 2-panel-er showing JER/JES as a function of (a) pseudorapidity and (b) energy -> put scale and resolution on same plots, show vs. the 2 different variables
        • Fast Simulation: show fast sim w/ energy flow on same plot as reference points from full sim/single particle
        • For small x physics, resolution at extreme pseudorapidities is important -> show off ECAL, etc. effects in those cases.
      • Brian: things we need to touch on as a group
        • Jet performance, resolution, etc.
        • PID performance and vertexing.
        • What might be the optimal plot? Pointing resolutions, D reconstruction (e.g. resolution or signal-to-noise as a function of PID, no PID, etc.)
      • Brian: Collins asymmetry-related catch-all?
        • Demo the importance of PID, jet energy resolution, etc.?
        • Miguel: baseline configuration has DIRC in barrel ... current plot doesn't look great with DIRC in the way. Better PID in barrel was discussed in YR as a limiting issue for this.
        • Brian: can we pick and x vs. Q^2 region that emphasizes the dRICH in the forward direction -> look at barrel, use as place to discuss future PID upgrades in ATHENA.
        • Henry: ECCE also has DIRC in plan.
      • Steve and Miguel:
        • Charm jet efficiency and background rejection vs. eta, etc.
        • Motivated by strangeness, or gluon-related Delta g/g, etc. 
      • Henry and Olga:
        • Make sure we understand the goals of the DOE proposal before we settle on a final list of plots
        • Olga: emphasize distinctive features of ATHENA (3T magnet, coverage, etc.) -> larger magnet bore may make us more upgradeable from a PID perspective, etc.
        • Emphasize strengths if we want to be selected.