23 August 2021
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Roundtable updates

23 Aug 2021, 12:05



Updates from the main efforts with details about the progress in the activity. Please, be short and prepare a few (maximum three) slides focusing on what has been achieved since the last meeting.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Grzegorz Kalicy (CUA), Joe Schwiening (GSI)
23/08/2021, 12:05

Advice on design, simulation, performance issues

Murad Sarsour (Georgia State University)
23/08/2021, 12:08

Simulation & performance studies

Christopher Dilks (Duke University), Evaristo Cisbani (Italian National Institute of Heath and Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics)
23/08/2021, 12:11
Prakhar Garg (Stony Brook University)
23/08/2021, 12:14
Wenqing Fan
23/08/2021, 12:17
Chandradoy Chatterjee (INFN Trieste (IT)), Roberto Preghenella (INFN Bologna)
23/08/2021, 12:20
Alexandre Camsonne (JLAB)
23/08/2021, 12:23

Gathering DAQ requirements from PID WG

Prof. Wei Li (Rice University), Shuai Yang (Rice University), Prof. Zhenyu Ye (University of Illinois at Chicago), Zhangbu Xu (BNL), Frank Geurts (Rice University)
23/08/2021, 12:26

simulation & performance studies, design, cost estimate etc.

Maria Zurek (Argonne National Laboratory), Paul E Reimer (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/08/2021, 12:38
Building timetable...