COSTING --> ATHENA PID weekly regular meeting



Frank Geurts (Rice University), Roberto Preghenella (INFN Bologna), Thomas Hemmick (Stony Brook University)

ATHENA Particle Identification Working Group

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    • 12:00 12:05
      Weekly news 5m

      Conveners briefly update with news, comments and new directions from the Steering Committee (if any).

    • 12:05 12:53
      Roundtable updates

      Updates from the main efforts with details about the progress in the activity. Please, be short and prepare a few (maximum three) slides focusing on what has been achieved since the last meeting.

      • 12:05
        DIRC --> Costing 3m

        Advice on design, simulation, performance issues

        Speakers: Grzegorz Kalicy (CUA), Joe Schwiening (GSI)
      • 12:08
        mRICH --> Costing 3m

        Simulation & performance studies

        Speaker: Murad Sarsour (Georgia State University)
      • 12:11
        dRICH --> Costing 3m
        Speakers: Christopher Dilks (Duke University), Evaristo Cisbani (Italian National Institute of Heath and Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics)
      • 12:14
        Low momentum PID with GridPix --> Costing 3m
        Speaker: Prakhar Garg (Stony Brook University)

        everything has unit 1 
        --> there is a spreadsheet that contains the detail
        --> detail can be provided in a dedicated sheet (tab)

        is testbeam part of R&D or of the project?
        --> do R&D costs go in here? it was the case in sPHENIX
        --> it is project R&D, it should be up here. detector R&D is on the project

        what is the most uncertain part?
        --> the GridPix chip, because there is only one provider (Bonn) that knows how to do it
        --> Tom would say that FPGA has the largest uncertainty


      • 12:17
        Low momentum PID with TOF --> Costing 3m
        Speakers: Wei Li (Rice University), Prof. Zhenyu Ye (University of Illinois at Chicago), Zhangbu Xu (BNL), Wenqing Fan, Frank Geurts (Rice University)

        combine and call it LGADs for TOF

        price of sensors based on CMS, pretty accurate

        big hadron LGAD for tracking?
        was it simulated? what is the space resolution?
        can you use same mask, same pixelisation? was this simulated?
        if you assume 30 um it can replace GEM (which is 50 um)

        large option covers what rapidity?
        1.4 ? I think?
        the need is between 1-2 where the bulk of particles is below aerogel threshold.
        how much would it reduce the surface area? by 10% (only?)

        no labor cost yet, needs a couple of weeks

        what is the cost difference wrt. GEM?
        not fully costed, but there are numbers, not sure how far.
        Elke: ~1.5-1.8 million (for hadron endcap)


      • 12:20
        B field impact on forward RICH 3m
        Speakers: Chandradoy Chatterjee (INFN Trieste (IT)), Roberto Preghenella (INFN Bologna)
      • 12:23
        DAQ 3m

        Gathering DAQ requirements from PID WG

        Speaker: Alexandre Camsonne (JLAB)
      • 12:26
        LGADs for TOF-PID 3m

        simulation & performance studies, design, cost estimate etc.

        Speakers: Shuai Yang (Rice University), Prof. Wei Li (Rice University)
      • 12:29
        SiPM for RICH optical readout 3m

        R&D on SiPM as an option for the readout of the forward RICH

        Speaker: Roberto Preghenella (INFN Bologna)
      • 12:32
        Pressurised argon for the gaseous RICH 3m

        mechanical studies and simulations for a pressurised argon vessel for the forward gas RICH

      • 12:35
        LAPPD option for photon readout 3m

        R&D on LAPPD detectors must not be forgotten

        Speaker: Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
      • 12:38
        Barrel eCal with tracking and timing capability 3m
        Speakers: Maria Zurek (Argonne National Laboratory), Paul E Reimer (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 12:35 12:55

      This is time devoted to a longer discussion with a presentation of work done or to be done, if there is any and if there is the need for that.

    • 12:55 13:00
      AoB 5m

      In case there is any other business to discuss, we can take it here. If discussion takes longer than 5 minutes, it means that it needs a proper space and will be point for next week.