25–27 Oct 2021
US/Eastern timezone


Experimental detection of Quarkonium at EIC

27 Oct 2021, 10:00



Experimental detection of Quarkonium at EIC: Experiment overview

  • Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Experimental detection of Quarkonium at EIC: EIC proposals

  • Christian Weiss (Jefferson Lab)

Experimental detection of Quarkonium at EIC: Discussion

  • Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Grzegorz Grzelak (University of Warsaw Physics)
27/10/2021, 10:05
Matt Durham (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
27/10/2021, 10:35
Anthony Frawley (Florida State University)
27/10/2021, 11:05
Spencer Klein (LBNL)
27/10/2021, 11:35
Jin Huang (Brookhaven National Lab), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
27/10/2021, 12:05
xinbai li (USTC)
27/10/2021, 13:10
Prof. Charles Hyde (Old Dominion University)
27/10/2021, 13:40
Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
27/10/2021, 14:10
27/10/2021, 15:00
27/10/2021, 15:40
Building timetable...