ATHENA-ACTS Weekly Meeting

    • 07:30 08:30
      General discussions 1h

      Post-proposal plan: more study for supplementary materials and towards the future

      Speakers: Corentin Allaire (CERN), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Reynier Cruz-Torres (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Shujie Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Wenqing Fan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Wouter Deconinck, Yue Shi Lai (UC Berkeley)

      Short-term tasks:

      1. vertex reconstruction with ACTS (Wenqing)

      2. upgrade Juggler with ACTS 15 (Wouter)

      3. synchrotron radiation background (Rey)

      5. realistic seeding (Yue-Shi)

      6. save Chi2 to output (Shujie, Wouter)

      7. B0 tracking and new acts beampipe geometry ( follow-up with Andi)