Please discuss the status of
- operational parameters of the detector, HV, LV, cooling system
- online plots
- alignment
- any needs for further special calibration runs
- what needs to be done during the upcoming shutdown
Xu Sun(University of Illinois at Chicago), Zhenyu Ye(University of Illinois at Chicago)
Please discuss the status of
- operational parameters of the detector, HV, LV, cooling system,
gas system
- What can we do to bring channel 9 back
- online plots
- alignment
- any needs for further special calibration runs
- what needs to be done during the upcoming shutdown
DrChi Yang(Shandong University), Prashanth Shanmuganathan(Brookhaven National Lab)
Please discuss the status of
- operational parameters of the detector, HV, gain setting
- what is the radiation damage
- online plots
- alignment ECal and HCal and to trackers
- any needs for further special calibration runs
- what needs to be done during the upcoming shutdown