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ATHENA Software Tutorial

Sylvester Joosten (Argonne National Laboratory), Wouter Deconinck

You can download the recording of this tutorial session below.


1. Create an account on eicweb and do a fork/MR workflow
1.0. Why use eicweb workflow? Easy to setup, full stack tests, web-based, asynchronous
1.1. https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/users/sign_up
1.2. https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena
1.2.0. athena.xml, definitions.xml, compact, src directories
1.2.1. follow some examples of geometry definitions, cover hcal.xml in more detail
1.2.2. open WebIDE for hcal.xml
1.2.3. ASSIGNMENT 5 mins: modify the hcal.xml to have wider segmentation
1.2.4. submit MR with "tutorial-name-description"
1.2.5. explore and stop the CI jobs detector_benchmarks: just simulation, no reconstruction reconstruction_benchmarks: simulation and reconstruction physics_benchmarks: physics generators and reconstruction
1.2.6. close MR without merging
1.3. https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/juggler
1.3.0. structure of repository: top level, src/components
1.3.1. follow an example of an algorithm, cover InclusiveKinematicsElectron in detail
1.3.2. open WebIDE for InclusiveKinematicsElectron
1.3.3. ASSIGNMENT 5 mins: fix this for negative ei.z
1.3.4. submit MR with "tutorial-name-description"
1.3.5. explore and stop the CI jobs
1.3.6. clsoe MR without merging

2. Open a linux shell and do a local eic-shell workflow: particle gun
2.0. Sometimes you just need a shell :-)
2.1. curl (or wget) get.athena-eic.org | bash
2.2. eic-shell (what does it do?)
2.3. source /opt/detector/setup.sh
2.3.1. source /opt/detector/athena-deathvalley-1.5T/setup.sh
2.4. npsim -h
2.5. npsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/athena.xml --enableGun --gun.distribution uniform --numberOfEvents 100 --outputFile output.edm4hep.root
2.6. root -l output.edm4hep.root
2.7. .ls, new TBrowser, events, checkout MCParticles, EcalBarrelHits
2.8. explain relations and vector members in EDM4hep

3. Open a linux shell and do a local eic-shell workflow: hepmc3 events
3.1. source /opt/detector/setup.sh
3.2. mc config host add S3 https://dtn01.sdcc.bnl.gov:9000 eicS3read eicS3read
3.3. mc head -n 20000 S3/eictest/ATHENA/EVGEN/DIS/NC/10x100/minQ2=1/pythia8NCDIS_10x100_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_vtxfix_1.hepmc > input.hepmc
3.5. npsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/athena.xml --numberOfEvents 10 --inputFiles input.hepmc --outputFile sim_output.edm4hep.root
3.6. Loook at output file

4. Open a linux shell and do a local eic-shell workflow: reconstruction
4.1. source /opt/detector/setup.sh
4.2. Look at /opt/benchmarks/physics_benchmarks/options/reconstruction.py
4.3. export JUGGLER_SIM_FILE=sim_output.edm4hep.root JUGGLER_REC_FILE=rec_output.edm4hep.root JUGGLER_N_EVENTS=10
4.3b. /opt/benchmarks/physics_benchmarks/bin/get_calibrations.sh
4.4. gaudirun.py /opt/benchmarks/physics_benchmarks/options/reconstruction.py
4.5. Look at output file

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 12:30
      Software introduction 2h 30m
      Speakers: Sylvester Joosten (Argonne National Laboratory), Wouter Deconinck