ATHENA Bi-weekly meeting


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Meeting ID: 962 6734 2403
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+19292056099,,96267342403# US (New York)
+13017158592,,96267342403# US (Washington DC)

    • 11:00 11:30
      Update on Transition Process and future plans 30m
      Speaker: Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
    • 11:30 11:45
      Projects view of the transition process 15m
      Speaker: Dr E. C. Aschenauer (BNL)
    • 11:45 12:00
      Update from the IB 15m
      Speaker: Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • 12:00 12:30
      Discussion and Q&A 30m
      Speaker: All