Detector 1 DAQ WG meeting


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Meeting ID: 161 839 7692
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  • Jeff presented his slides (see attached doc)
  • how to report from detector groups: short report from 3, updates from all? Possibly ask for "written" bullet points in advance of the meeting (in indico? wiki?)
  • Tonko: timing needs to be synchronous to RHIC, but many chips used are LHC related (40MHz). need to know the "concept" of timing distribution for FEE designs early on. doesn't need to be "high precision" (order 10ps), will "jitter clean" on FEE.
  •  topical meetings instead of multiday workshop for SRO
  • Oskar to present FEE ideas  next week (June 2) for calorimeters; Tonko for June 14 for TOF PID
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.