CompSW Weekly Meeting

Andrea Bressan (University of Trieste and INFN), Cristiano Fanelli (MIT), David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab), Kolja Kauder (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Sylvester Joosten (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • Top of the Meeting
      • Reconstruction Framework decision
      • Introduction to Documentation?
      • AOB
      Convener: Dr Kolja Kauder (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • Introduction
      Convener: Dr Kolja Kauder (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 1
        Data & Analysis Preservation: Recent Experience and Implications for the EIC
        Speaker: Dr Maxim Potekhin (Brookhaven National Laboratory NPPS/Physics Department)
      • 2
        Data Preservation at LEP
        Speaker: Dr Ulrich Schwickerath (CERN)
      • 3
        Experiences with Data Preservation
        Speaker: Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • Discussion
      Convener: Dr Kolja Kauder (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 4
      • 5
      • 6