9:30 AM
Jet physics view of hadron structure.
Christian Weiss
(Jefferson Lab)
10:45 AM
recent measurements on saturation physics and implications for the future EIC measurements
Xiaoxuan Chu
11:25 AM
Studying NP dynamics inside proton and hadronization in pp collisions at RHIC and LHC energy and path towards EIC
Sook Hyun Lee
(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
2:00 PM
Dissecting groomed soft radiation with factorization
Aditya Pathak
(University of Manchester)
Kyle Lee
2:15 PM
On sum rules for double and triple parton distribution functions and Pythia's model of multiple parton interactions
Oleh Fedkevych
(University of Genoa and INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics (sezione di Genova))
2:30 PM
Unveiling Nucleon 3D Chiral-Odd Structure with Jet Axes
Wai Kin Lai
(University of California, Los Angeles)
Wai Kin Lai
(University of California, Los Angeles)
2:45 PM
Measurement of Event Shape Observables with H1 at HERA
Henry Klest
(Stony Brook University)
3:15 PM
Recent work on quantum entanglement in hadronization
Zhoudunming Tu
3:55 PM
Hadronization studies in BELLE
Anselm Vossen
(Duke University)
4:35 PM
Discussion Session