EW&BSM - WG meeting




Bi-weekly meeting to discuss physics updates for the Project Detector.

Wiki page for the group: https://wiki.bnl.gov/eic-project-detector/index.php/BSMEW

ZOOM connection:



A. Jinlong sent leptoquark analysis material to Wouter+student, have not had a meeting to discuss details yet

B. Sonny showed a list of items that we can study. We assigned names at the meeting as follows:

1. leptoquark, CLFV search. need:

   One-prong mode, detector-based PID, higher statistics for background study -- Jinlong, Wouter+student

   vector LQ limit theory derivation -- Sonny

2. Projection for weak mixing angle (repeat ECCE with new sim) -- Xiaochao with help from inclusive group (on fast smearing)

3. relate to above, can study dark Z_d, dark photon, leptophobic Z', and SMEFT analysis -- Sonny/Xiaochao

4. W_R boson study -- Sonny/Yulia

5. CC DIS -- longitudinally polarized hadron asymmetry, flavor separation of helicity PDFs, JB method of kinematics reconstruction -- Yulia in coordination with HF/Jet group

6. NC structure function: F1,3^\gamma Z, g_1,5^\gamma Z. -- We can probably do something for F1 and g1, but F3 and g5 require positrons. -- maybe Xiaochao/Sonny

7. Other: Do we know if we should study rare decays, and if other WGs are studying similar stuff?

8. Axion-like particle searches?

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