EW&BSM - WG meeting




Bi-weekly meeting to discuss physics updates for the Project Detector.

Wiki page for the group: https://wiki.bnl.gov/eic-project-detector/index.php/BSMEW

ZOOM connection:



* WD: we would need to have event level files that the Sim Group can then push through the detector
** JZ: we have 3e6 events which should be fine; WD will have access to them when he gets a BNL account and will run them through.
* XZ: are we going to have single particle gun simulation? WD: no fast smearing is planned or single particle gun; we should send an email to Joe Osborn to make a request. XZ: will try to coordinate this with Tyler and Wouter
* WD: link to the indico meeting where requests were discussed (https://indico.bnl.gov/event/15571/)

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