eRD108 b-weekly meeting


Minutes of eRD108 Bi-weekly Wed. Meeting - 05-25-2022

Bob, Francesco, Kondo, Marcus, Matt, Pietro, Sourav.

Cylindrical MPGD prototype & associated R&D

* Cylindrical uRWELL effort

    ==> Pietro: gave an update on the mechanical support structure of cyl. uRWELL at FIT (see slides on Indico)
    ==> Subsequent discussion on ramping up the design effort ==> start in parallel the actual overall uRWELL design  
    1-) Will have a smaller meeting with Pietro, Alexander/Bob and Kondo to start mechanical design the uRWELL/RO foils
    2-) Bob would like to stay connected but is also very busy with sPHENIX activities for now
      3-) Pietro will work the CAD files of the mock-up uRWELL foil with holes including all assembly features (holes, stretching features ...)

    ==> VMM3a-SRS: Kondo to ship the VMM3a FE cards + DVM cards to Martin by the end of the week.

MPGD Trackers for EIC Detector 1

* Input parameters for simulation effort of the Tracking WG

   ==> eRD108 will provide all input in term of resolution, radation lentgh, detector thickness etc to Tracking WG
    Matt: Liason / contact between Tracking WG and Simu/softW WG; but also the interface between eRD108 and people doing simulation tasks

   ==> Nominal spatial resolution (track perpandicular to detector) for MPGDs: Current standings from beam test and experiments
    1-) 50 um (multiple beam test sources) for small 10 cm x 10 cm MPGDs (GEMs. uRWELL, Micromegas) and several R/O patterns;
        2-) 60 um for 50 cm x 50 cm SBS triple-GEM prototypes (beam test 2013)
        2-) 70 um measured from PRad experimental data for PRad triple-GEM (120 cm x 54 cm and 400 um strip pitch)

   ==> Parameterization of spatial resolution as a function of detector size
    use 10cm x 10cm, PRad triple GEM and SBS triple GEM prototype)

   ==> Parameterization of spatial resolution as a function of the incoming track angle
    1-) Bob offers to provide data with GEM prototypes tested in beam at FNAL
        2-) Check with Francesco if such information exists with CLAS12 Micromegas, that we can use as well
        3-) Discuss of dedicated beam test campaign in Hall D at JLab this fall
        => Bob offered to lend his automated / motorized setup for detector plane rotation  
        => Marcus suggested Pietro can help with the effort with a trip to Jefferson Lab

* Discussion on MPGD operating in micro-TPC / mini drift mode

    ==> PID WG should give us range for angular resolution requirements for the seeding of DIRC and dRICH
    1-) This will be complemented by simulation studies of impact point resolution from central tracker at the Cerenkow detector level

    ==> We discussed including discussion of  the associated readout electronics
    1-) Has to have fast shaping time, fast sampling and large data acquisition time window i.e. type of the electronics used for GEM-TRD R&D
    2-) Standard MPGD tracking readout electronics not good enough

    ==> Need to evaluate pros and cons of micro-TPC vs. twin-amplification (double-sided) uRWELL/Micromegas detector



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:30 14:30
      Cylindrical MPGD prototype & associated R&D
      • 13:30
        Mechanical structure design - FIT 15m
        Speakers: Marcus Hohlmann (Florida Tech), Pietro Iapozzuto (Florida Institute of Technology)
      • 13:45
        Cylindrical uRWELL design with 2D Zigzag R/O - BNL 15m
        Speakers: Alexander Kiselev (BNL), Bob Azmoun (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 14:00
        Cylindrical uRWELL design with 2D CapaSh R/O - JLab 10m
        Speaker: Kondo Gnanvo (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Faccility (JLab))
      • 14:10
        VMM3a / SRS development - TU -BNL 10m
        Speakers: Martin Purschke (BNL), Matt Posik (Temple University)
      • 14:20
        Barrel Micromengas - CEA Saclay 10m
        Speaker: Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay)
    • 14:30 15:30
      MPGD Trackers for EIC Detector 1
      • 14:30
        Input parameters for EIC Detector 1 Tracking WG 15m
        Speaker: All
      • 14:45
        Operating MPGDs in micro-TPC / mini drift mode 15m
        Speaker: All
      • 15:00
        AOB 30m
        Speaker: All