WG Convener Meeting


ZOOM link: Click here https://temple.zoom.us/j/99946695684!

Meeting ID: 999 4669 5684

Meeting Recording:


    • 10:30 11:00
      Introduction and Release of Survey Information 30m
      Speakers: Bernd Surrow (Temple University), John Lajoie (Iowa State University), Or Hen (MIT), Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste), Tanja Horn (Cath)
    • 11:00 11:45
      WG Conveners
      • 11:00
        Simulation QA Status Update and Plans 45m
        Speakers: Joe Osborn (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Wenliang Li (Stony Brook University CFNS), Wouter Deconinck (University of Manitoba), Zhoudunming Tu (BNL)
    • 11:45 12:30
      • 11:45
        Q&A 45m
        Speakers: Bernd Surrow (Temple University), John Lajoie (Iowa State University), Or Hen (MIT), Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste), Tanja Horn (Cath)