High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

(POSTPONED) [Hybrid RBRC seminar] Lattice QCD thermodynamics from cumulants of conserved charge fluctuations

by Dennis Bollweg (Bielefeld University)




Today's seminar is canceled and will be rescheduled.


Cumulants of conserved charge fluctuations probe the thermal state of strongly interacting matter and have been the focus of many studies in recent years.
In lattice QCD calculations, they are used to access bulk thermodynamic quantities at small, non-vanishing chemical potential and can serve as benchmark observables for constraining the range of validity of widely used hadron resonance gas models. Furthermore, they are used in the search for a possible critical end point in the QCD phase diagram.
In this talk I will review recent results on these cumulants from high statistics, (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD calculations and discuss their current limitations as well as prospects for reaching further into the finite density region.

Organised by

Nobuyuki Matsumoto