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- Indico Weeks View
The EIC-project tracking working group weekly meeting.
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Meeting ID: 161 129 3049
Passcode: 394550
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Meeting ID: 161 129 3049
Passcode: 394550
Please see the summary of today's discussions below:
1. Estimated noise rate from tracking subsystems:
MAPS layer/plane: 10^-7 event/pixel, ongoing R&D could further reduce the noise rate.
MPGD layer/plane: will provide the first order estimated values.
AC-LGAD layer/plane: 3x10^-7 event/pixel with the 3 sigma threshold cut.
2. Volunteer to help the noise/background embedding in DD4HEP:
Rey Torres (LBNL) and Kei Nagai (LANL)
Rey reported the synchrotron background studies are ongoing and parallel efforts by Shujie for the tracking pattern recognition development is underway as well. Kei reported the beam gas background evaluations have been studied in the Fun4All framework and will migrate to the DD4HEP framework.