High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[HET seminar] A Spin on Wave Dark Matter

by Mustafa Amin (Rice)




Also in small seminar room.

Abstract: What can we learn about the intrinsic spin of ultralight dark matter field from astrophysical observations? I will argue that the imprint of spin, ie. whether it is a scalar, vector or a tensor field, can be seen via (i) the initial density power spectrum, (ii) interference patterns in the density field inside dark matter halos, and through, (iii) (polarized) solitons with macroscopic intrinsic spin. Based on features in the initial power spectrum, I will provide a bound on the dark matter mass > 10^(-18) eV for post-inflationary production. With increasing intrinsic spin, interference patterns in halos are reduced (and the inner shapes of halos modified) -- which can be probed by lensing and dynamical heating of stars. After introducing polarized solitons, I will show that the time-scale of emergence of solitons (within halos) increases with increasing spin, and briefly discuss electromagnetic and gravitational wave signatures from such polarized solitons. Time permitting, I might mention connections to "spinor" BECs in the laboratory.

Organised by

Peter Denton