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Meeting of the EPIC SIDIS WG on Oct. 4th, 2022, 10:00am EST
Participants: Ralf Seidl (RS), Marco Radici (MR), Anselm Vossen (AV), Charlotte van Hulse (CVH), Christopher Dilks (CD), Brian Page (BP)
Comparison for resolution between ATHENA and ECCE/ePIC full simulations
CD presents latest results for the comparison between the full simulations of SIDIS kinematic reconstruction at ECCE and ATHENA, as well as with Delphes fast simuation (slides available on the Indico page).
The ECCE full simulation has been done in the ePIC configuration using Pythia6 but with the ECCE software stack, exploring 3 different Q2 ranges (low/mid/high).
The ATHENA full simulation uses Pythia8 HEPMC and samples Q2 ranges with different increasing minimum Qmin values.
The Delphes fast simulation uses the ATHENA configuration (again with Pythia8 HEPMC).
CD shows plots for various kinematic distributions, all obtained by applying ATHENA kinematical cuts on invariant mass, y, z, xF, and pT in the lab frame.
Comparisons among ATHENA, ECCE and Delphes, are consistent for pion momentum, z, qT/Q distributions in the (x,Q2) plane.
Some differences pop up for the eta distribution, posing the question of how well Pythia8 compares with Pythia6.
Quite strong differences appear between ECCE and other two choices in the y and z distributions in the plane of eta vs. pion momentum.
After a long discussion, a general consensus is reached about aiming at a common software framework that would ease and clarify the comparison.
CD illustrates also the achievable resolutions in x, z, and phi_h. While the picture about z seems consistent, some differences between ECCE and other two simulations (ATHENA and Delphes) appear, particularly at high x and in several instances of Q2.
Finally, CD illustrates some new features of the simulation software, like the new more user-friendly format for configuration files.
It is also agreed to change the name of the SIDIS-EIC analysis in "epic-analysis" throughout the configuration file.
Meeting ends at 10:45am