
Functional Protocols

9 Dec 2022, 11:45
C-120 (CFNS)



Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800

Presentation materials

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Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
09/12/2022, 11:45
Joachim Schambach (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
09/12/2022, 12:20
William Gu (Jefferson Lab)
09/12/2022, 12:35
Martin Purschke (BNL)
09/12/2022, 12:50
Alexandre Camsonne (JLAB), Chris Cuevas (Jefferson Lab), Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Joachim Schambach (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
09/12/2022, 13:05
Building timetable...