Brookhaven AIMS Tutorial: K-nearest Neighbors Regression and Applications to Condensed Matter Theory


In 2023, we have expanded the Brookhaven AIMS series to include also hands-on tutorials organized by the BNL Computational Science Initiative, which are aimed at researchers, educators and students new to machine learning and artificial intelligence. The tutorial presentations are designed for a general audience, and minimal prior experience will be required.


    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      K-nearest Neighbors Regression and Applications to Condensed Matter Theory 1h

      Abstract: In this talk, we’ll be going over the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) regression algorithm, a supervised machine learning algorithm that is used to predict a continuous target value. While KNN is a simple algorithm, it can be used with great effectiveness in many cases. We’ll first develop an intuition behind what the algorithm is doing, and why it works. Then, we’ll walk through a fully coded example problem. After that, we'll apply KNN in a condensed matter context. We’ll end by going over some of the limitations of the algorithm, and how those shortcomings can be addressed.

      GitHub link:

      Speaker: Jackson Lee (Rutgers University)