sPHENIX INTT Engineering Meeting

Rachid Nouicer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


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Meeting ID: 161 848 2317
Passcode: 368349


In case we have problem with Zoom we will use Bluejeans:
To join the Meeting:

    • 1
      Status and Plan of Felix Readout Electronic
      Speaker: Raul Cecato (BNL)
    • 2
      Status of the LV Cables for the IR
      Speaker: Dr Ivan Kotov (BNL Instrumentation Division)
    • 3
      Status of Conversion Cables Suport on the ROC
      Speaker: Dan Cacace (BNL)
    • 4
      Status of the EndRings
      Speaker: Robert Pisani (BNL, sPhenix)
    • 5
      INTT Readiness for the Installation at the IR
      Speaker: Rachid Nouicer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)