ePIC Jet/HF Meeting Discussion Notes Derek Anderson 02.02.2023 (Apologies for any ommissions or mistakes!) - Consider philosophy of what we want to do - Is EICRecon the right place to do everything? - Including every combination of every jet definition/parameter would be too much ==> Have a representative, generic jet output to do benchmarks on ==> Then have standalone infrastructure others can use to look at more specific options - 1st Priority: get it working! ==> Set it up st. default parameters spit out generic jets for benchmarking - But build in some degree of flexibility for future development/studies - We can't anticipate everything everyone will want to do ==> Will be good to include examples of how to do standalone jet reconstruction for others to build on - Will we be able to do jet energy resolution? - Key benchmark!! The bare minimum ==> Have 2 generic jet outputs: (a) Truth jets (b) Reconstructed jets - This will enable us to match jets and produce JER plots - How will backgrounds play into this? Simulations will include background at the track level... - Since that's upstream of the jet reconstruction, reconstructed jets will include it - Set up things such that we can do systematic studies of background impact & subtraction schemes ==> e.g. background will vary with jet reco. input, so will need ability to systematically vary input and look at impact on JER & other benchmarks ==> Consider a cyclical workflow: (i) Reconstruct jets w/ background & look at impact (ii) Push information upstream for mitigation (iii) Repeat (i) - (ii) as necessary - How many people in Task Force? - Just 2 right now ==> Fill out poll! https://www.when2meet.com/?18588885-DkOuM - Is there a mattermost channel? - At meeting: no - But now there is! https://eic.cloud.mattermost.com/main/channels/jet-reconstruction - EpicAnalysis - 1st order of business: getting jet info from kinematic class into dedicated jet class: https://github.com/eic/epic-analysis/issues/234 - How do we get EICRecon output into EpicAnalysis? ==> Good discussion for task force: EICRecon output should match what's needed by EpicAnalysis