High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[NT/RBRC seminar] Conformal symmetry in strong interactions

by Prof. Vladimir Braun (Regensburg University)

Large seminar room (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1614715193?pwd=WkwxODVWdzZzb29zQnZRVGp3VTBDQT09)

Large seminar room



Conformal symmetry of QCD in the Wilson-Fisher critical
point in noninteger number of space-time dimensions leads to strong
constraints on the structure of the perturbative expansion and can be used
as a calculational tool.
I describe the basic features of this approach and illustrate its
application on selected problems: operator mixing,
kinematic corrections in off-forward hard processes, B-meson light-cone
distribution amplitude and the relation between soft and rapidity anomalous