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ePIC Tracking Working Group weekly meeting

Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

The EIC-project tracking working group weekly meeting.

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Meeting ID: 161 129 3049
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Tracking performance with the default simulation production by Stephen:
Stephen resented the latest tracking performance with the BryceCanyon geometry. Update the tracking performance with the smeared truth seeding and barrel ToF hit is included in the tracking finding. Compared the tracking performance between the December simulation campaign and the latest simulation production. Stephan also compared the tracking performance w/ and w/o the service cone in different eta bins. Significant impacts on the tracking momentum resolution in the 1<|eta|<2 region and especially for low momentum tracks. Confirm the impact of ToF and MPGD on the tracking performance with previous studies.
Suggest to evaluat the track performance in narrower eta bins for the service cone material budget dominate region such as 1<|eta|<2
Suggest to check the check the azimuthal angle depedence as the beanpole has a X offset.
General discussion for the ePIC tracking service cone material budget and next steps:
In the current simulation, there is only MAPS service cone implemented. The average Al material thickness of the MAPS service cone is at the sub-cm level and please see page 8 of the posted slides (https://indico.bnl.gov/event/17394/contributions/69873/attachments/44061/74348/Silicon%20Tracker%20Geometry%20and%20Materials%20in%20DD4hep-2.pdf) in the ePIC tracking WG Oct. 27 meeting.
We plan to implement further details based in the inputs from the MAPS, MPGD and/or AC-LGAD ToF service parts in the simulation. The first step is to schedule dedicated discussions with EIC silicon consortium (DSC) and MPGD consortium (DSC) colleagues to present what has been or to be implemented from the engineer design. We will include such discussions in upcoming tracking WG meetings.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.