00:20:10 Wouter Deconinck (he/him): That issue to podio is not really an actionable bug report. I encourage you to add more details about how one of the developers can actually reproduce it. 00:34:23 Leszek Kosarzewski: What is missing there? I understand that they may need our software to reproduce it. I did report it on mattermost and also a separate bug. 00:51:34 Wouter Deconinck (he/him): When you submit a bug report, it must at a minimum include the command line that you are trying to run and a log of the crash output that you got. If this happens on file input, you should upload the file on which it fails. If it fails in an environment that is not managed by the project you are reporting to, you should make attempts to reproduce the bug in the environment that they do use. 00:57:58 Wouter Deconinck (he/him): A good starting point for info on acts is their excellent documentation: https://acts.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. 01:03:04 John Lajoie: I believe the Services SharePoint does not require any additional permissions to access. 01:34:35 Wouter Deconinck (he/him): I have to go, unfortunately. anyone with urgent questions, hit me up on mattermost or email