00:32:01 Alex Jentsch: 1 MeV neutron equivalent plots are available. 00:34:47 Wouter Deconinck (he/him): overlap issue not been solved, but worked around. we'd still like to use vecgeom. 00:41:30 Wouter Deconinck (he/him): yes, you're right, it's a vecgeom issue (but I don't think vecgeom is aware) 00:43:06 Friederike Bock: What's the length of the hcal? 00:49:19 Alexander Kiselev: We are using 2m long micro-coax cables for MPGDs + DREAM ASICs 01:40:53 Miguel: Is the CAD of ePIC shown here available somewhere? The stp files i mean 01:41:21 Miguel: In slide 3 01:41:37 Elke Aschenauer: No and will not be until so much is in flux 01:42:20 Miguel: 😟 01:44:51 Elke Aschenauer: What do you need single files can be available