** The recordings are available from Video Conference Information.
RIKEN BNL Research Center (RBRC) was established in 1997. The center consists of the theory, computational and experimental groups. The theory group conducts research on hot and cold QCD matter explored in the RHIC experiments. In computational physics, precise calculations essential to understand various aspects of QCD from the first principles with lattice QCD are promoted. On the experimental side, the spin structure of the nucleon and the physics of the quark gluon plasma are studied at RHIC.
In this event, RIKEN and BNL will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the RBRC and provide an opportunity to review its research achievements and contributions to the field over the past quarter century and to consider its future. The event will also look back on a successful example of science and technology cooperation between the U.S. and Japan.
As we enter the final RUNs of the RHIC (2023-2025), we will review the spin physics goals set at the beginning of the RBRC and since its inception, with the aim of completing physics at the RHIC.
Deadline for registration: Thursday, June 15
Open to the public on June 22 only
Reception Venue: North Tavern, 2028 N. Country Road, Wading River, (631) 886-2102; www.northtavernwr.com
Please Note: All participants must arrange their own housing and transportation. When driving to the reception, please share your car with attendees due to limited parking.
Event ID: E000005234