28 June 2023
Europe/London timezone


Overview of institute activities and plans

28 Jun 2023, 10:30
Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy (SIRE) - Seminar room (Liverpool)

Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy (SIRE) - Seminar room


Building 207 on campus map, not far from the Physics Department / Oliver Lodge Laboratory (Building 208)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
James Julian Glover (member@cern.ch)
28/06/2023, 10:30
Liliana Teodorescu (Brunel University London)
28/06/2023, 10:45
Roy Lemmon (Daresbury Lab)
28/06/2023, 11:00
28/06/2023, 11:15
Jian Liu (UNiversity of Liverpool)
28/06/2023, 11:30
Sam Henry (University of Oxford), Todd Huffman (University of Oxford)
28/06/2023, 11:45
Fergus Wilson (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Soniya Mathew (STFC-RAL)
28/06/2023, 12:00
Building timetable...