High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[Hybrid RBRC seminar] Studying 2D Gauge Theories on the Hamiltonian Lattice

by Ross Dempsey

2-160 (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1619458475?pwd=Z1VDdXVXcWF1eUhsRDZObVJnME4rUT09)




Lately there has been renewed interest in two-dimensional gauge theories, stemming from their applicability as toy models of QCD along with rapidly advancing techniques for simulating them both numerically and experimentally. I will start by discussing the U(1) theory coupled to a fermion in two dimensions, and important lessons from its ABJ anomaly that can be used to dramatically improve the accuracy of results obtained from the Hamiltonian lattice. These methods enable very precise calculations outside of the perturbatively accessible regime. I will then discuss work in progress on the SU(2) theory coupled to an adjoint Majorana fermion, where the mixed 't Hooft anomalies are naturally realized in a Hamiltonian lattice formulation. Using the lattice, we obtain numerical results that are in good agreement with past work, but also have access to a sector that has previously been out of reach.

Organised by

Manu Kurian,
Raza Sufian