High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

Csaba Csaki, [HET Seminar], On the Dynamical Origin of the η′ Potential and the Axion Mass

Small Seminar Room (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/16010362754?pwd=Z1l1SS9JUDlyR1hSUHNyaDV1dTZHUT09)

Small Seminar Room



We investigate the dynamics responsible for generating the potential of the η′, the (would-be) Goldstone boson associated with the anomalous axial U (1) symmetry of QCD. The standard lore posits that pure QCD dynamics generates a confining potential with a branched structure as a function of the θ angle, and that this same potential largely determines the properties of the η′ once fermions are included. Here we test this picture by examining a supersymmetric extension of QCD with a small amount of supersymmetry breaking generated
via anomaly mediation.

Organised by

Matthew Sullivan