EW&BSM - WG meeting

ZOOM (Remote)




Bi-weekly meeting to discuss physics updates for the Project Detector.

Wiki page for the group: https://wiki.bnl.gov/eic-project-detector/index.php/BSMEW

ZOOM: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1606359861?pwd=bFVBQ1RsQVF2Mk9IRTViUkM3WVoyUT09

  • initial study of single muons and pions in the regions of interest for CLFV
  • Andrew will work on:
    • identifying events where muons don't leave any tracks or energy in the detector
    • set basic cuts that could identify muons and exclude pions and run the same algorithm over MinBias events to see how well it does rejecting non-muon backgrounds
    • look at pT distributions for the MinBias events and single muons to see differences
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.