9:00 AM
Chia-Ming Kuo
(National Central University, Taiwan)
9:15 AM
(RIKEN BNL Research Center)
10:00 AM
General talk on software
Yasuyuki Akiba
11:00 AM
Working time / Communication / Discussion
1:30 PM
General talk on software II
Yasuyuki Akiba
2:30 PM
Working time
4:00 PM
Introcution of own plan
Joseph Bertaux
4:10 PM
Introcution of own plan
Wei Che Tang
4:20 PM
Introcution of own plan
Hinako Tsujibata
4:30 PM
Introcution of own plan
Mai Kano
4:40 PM
Introcution of own plan
Manami Fujiwara
4:50 PM
Introcution of own plan
Mai Watanabe
5:30 PM
Introcution of own plan
Cheng-Wei Shih
(National Central University)
5:40 PM
Introcution of own plan
Misaki Hata
5:50 PM
Introcution of own plan
Tomoya Kato
6:00 PM
Introcution of own plan
Ryota Shishikura
(Rikkyo university(for the sPHENIX-INTT collaboration))
6:10 PM
Introcution of own plan
Jaein Hwang
(Korea University)
6:20 PM
Self introduction
Mahiro Ikemoto
6:30 PM
Time for documentation