BNL Physics Colloquia

Looking for new physics in Upton, New York

by Dr Hooman Davoudiasl (BNL)

Large Seminar Room (Bldg. 510A)

Large Seminar Room

Bldg. 510A


Long-standing open questions in particle physics and cosmology strongly
motivate physics beyond the Standard Model.  In this talk, we will
discuss some of the general ideas that have been proposed to address
such questions.  We will examine the prospects for experiments at the
future Electron Ion Collider to probe some of those theories.  A
proposed proton electric dipole moment storage ring experiment, which
could potentially be housed in the existing AGS tunnel, would enable
additional exciting searches.  Together, the two facilities would not
only shed light on the structure and fundamental properties of nucleons,
but also provide great opportunities to search for new fundamental
interactions, here at BNL.

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