SIDIS WG meeting

Stefan Diehl (JLU Giessen and UCONN), Charlotte Van Hulse
    • 08:30 08:40
      Announcements 10m
      Speakers: Dr Stefan Diehl (JLU Giessen and UCONN), Charlotte Van Hulse
    • 08:40 08:50
      Reproduction of simulations with the ePIC MC 10m
      Speaker: Charlotte Van Hulse
    • 08:50 09:10
      Unpolarized TMD cross-section projections 20m
      Speakers: Anselm Vossen (Duke University), Gregory Matousek (Student)
    • 09:10 09:20
      Discussion 10m
    • 09:20 09:40
      SIDIS requirements for backwards hadronic calorimeter construction 20m
      Speaker: Leszek Kosarzewski (Czech Technical Univeristy in Prague)
    • 09:40 09:50
      Discussion 10m
    • 09:50 10:00
      Backward hcal ecce studies 10m
      Speaker: Charlotte Van Hulse