High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[Hybrid RBRC seminar] New Physics at Colliders: The present, the future, and the far future.

by Sokratis Trifinopoulos

Large seminar room (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1614715193?pwd=WkwxODVWdzZzb29zQnZRVGp3VTBDQT09)

Large seminar room (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1614715193?pwd=WkwxODVWdzZzb29zQnZRVGp3VTBDQT09)


In this presentation, I will outline the prospects for discovering New Physics (NP) at current and upcoming collider experiments. Specifically, I will highlight three facilities, each with different beam compositions and center-of-mass energies ($\sqrt{s}$):

i) the SuperKEKB collider in Tsukuba, Tokyo, is a $e^+e^-$ machine operating at $\sqrt{s} = 10.6 GeV$ and currently collecting data,

ii) the Electron-Ion Collider ($\sqrt{s} = 20-140 GeV$) will be built over the next ten years at Brookhaven National Laboratory,

iii) the multi-TeV Muon Collider has been recently endorsed by the P5 panel.

We propose both prompt as well as displaced vertex searches in order to probe the parameter space of theoretically motivated NP candidates, including axion-like particles, dark photons, and leptoquarks. As we approach the dusk of the LHC era, the experiments carried out in these facilities ensure that the quest for NP in collider environments will remain a crucial area of research in the years ahead.