High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

Anil Thapa, Virginia, [HET Seminar]Predictive Dirac neutrino spectrum with parity solution to the strong CP problem

Small Seminar Room,Abstract: The nature of neutrinos, Dirac vs. Majorana, is an open question in neutrino physics. My talk will begin with investigating Majorana neutrino mass models and their tests through lepton flavor violation. I will then focus on Dirac neutrino masses within a "universal" left-right symmetric theory and its embedding into a grand unified theory. The model can also solve the Strong CP problem through the spontaneous breaking of parity without the need for an axion. The model predicts \delta_CP = (130.4 \pm 1.2) and m​1 = (4.8 – 8.4) meV for the Dirac CP phase and the lightest neutrino mass. (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/16010362754?pwd=Z1l1SS9JUDlyR1hSUHNyaDV1dTZHUT09)

Small Seminar Room,Abstract: The nature of neutrinos, Dirac vs. Majorana, is an open question in neutrino physics. My talk will begin with investigating Majorana neutrino mass models and their tests through lepton flavor violation. I will then focus on Dirac neutrino masses within a "universal" left-right symmetric theory and its embedding into a grand unified theory. The model can also solve the Strong CP problem through the spontaneous breaking of parity without the need for an axion. The model predicts \delta_CP = (130.4 \pm 1.2) and m​1 = (4.8 – 8.4) meV for the Dirac CP phase and the lightest neutrino mass.
